This Saturday is a workday - won't you join us? There will be a Valentine's runner to do, or you can bring your own project to work on. These workdays are a great opportunity to get to know other guild members, benefit from their expertise and experience, see others' projects and be inspired! The cost is just $5.00. Come and stay for the whole day, or whatever your schedule allows. Join the fun!
Next Thursday, Joyce Newman will be giving a lecture at our regular meeting place (Johnston Ave. Senior Centre) at 1pm. The topic is "Strategies for Using Your Orphan Blocks." Orphan blocks are those
leftovers - blocks that never made it into the quilt, extra blocks, "test" blocks, etc. No doubt you have a few if you look around your sewing space.... Joyce will give us lots of ideas on how to put them to use, or incorporate them into a quilt project successfully. We hope to put some of these ideas to work at our February Community Projects workday. See you at the lecture, Thursday, January 30, 1p.m. at Johnston Ave. Senior Centre.
The deadline for the next newsletter is Feb.7, if you have anything to submit. Contact Lee, our Newsletter Editor.

Aurifil thread... we now have a local source for Aurifil - Andrea at Ridge Machine Quilting (280 Route 616, Keswick Ridge) is carrying Aurifil - large spools in basic neutral colours and small spools of some colours. Please support this local source! If you are looking for colours that Andrea does not have in stock, Linda H will continue to do orders from Karen Neary. (Karen carries 73 colours in the 50 weight 1300m. spools.) As before, once we have an order for $100.00 or more, Karen will ship for free, order arrives the next day. Karen has reorganized her website to make ordering easier, so if you have had it bookmarked, you may want to update to her new site at Her threads are all now separated into categories (by weight) so just click on the links along the left side. Easy Peasy!
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