Your executive has been hard at work since you last saw us and we have a great year lined up for you. Workshops are all planned and scheduled, we have a fantastic lineup of programs and a fun Guild Challenge idea for you. The first newsletter went out this past week - if you didn't receive it, get in touch with Lee M., our newsletter editor.
Did you attend any quilt shows this summer? There was a long list, almost one every weekend! Quilting is alive and well!! Check out the sidebar for this fall's list of shows and events. The ever popular KVQG show is this coming week- Thursday to Saturday, times are listed. If you read Saint John's Telegraph Journal, there was a great article in yesterday's issue (Saturday Sept. 14) about the KV guild and their show.

Couldn't resist sharing this with you - a screenshot I took from Facebook. I wonder if anyone will show up on Tuesday night wearing this flashy footwear??!! Aren't they snazzy? Available from if you're interested.
Former member Sandi MacMillan has completed the second piece in her series of quilts inspired by our beautiful city. You may remember her spectacular quilt of the Bill Thorpe walking bridge. This one depicts the spiral stairway in our Legislative Building on Queen Street. It was done for her Journeys through Art quilt group's challenge; "Spiral" was the theme. The eight challenge quilts were entered in the Grand Rapids, Michigan AQS show in August and won second place in the group category. You can see all eight here. And... Sandi's quilt was chosen for the cover of the AQS show program. Wow! Congrats! Her next Fredericton-inspired quilt is already in progress.
See you Tuesday night! Bring your membership renewal form and $30. fee if you haven't already joined for the year, wear your nametag, return any outstanding library books, pack up your summertime projects to share with us during Show and Tell, tuck a pen and notepad in your purse along with money for our wonderful Aurifil draw... have I forgotten anything?
Hold on... here we go!!!
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