It's finally here- the day we've been waiting for! Tonight is our first meeting of a new year. Remember we have a new start time -
7p.m. Don't forget to wear your nametag if you have one, and bring your mug for refreshment at break. I know tonight's program will be wonderful- Geraldine Gordon does beautiful work and is always full of tips and helpful hints. We are certainly looking forward to her presentation!

Check out the list of Upcoming Shows on the sidebar. There are a number of shows in the next 10 days- the amazing annual show by the KV Guild in Quispamsis opens this Thursday at noon and runs for three days. Next weekend you have your choice of which direction to travel- Sussex, Antigonish NS or Calais Maine. You'll find a show in each location! Check the listing on the right for all the details. I recently added another Show which did not make the newsletter deadline. (Wouldn't you know it? I received the info the day the newsletter went to print...) If you are heading to Halifax between October 2nd and 4th, check out the quilt show and sale at the IWK Health Centre - again, the details are on the sidebar. Also that weekend is the Mahone Bay QG Show - sounds like a good reason to head to Nova Scotia for a few days!!
If you know of any other upcoming shows this fall that I have not listed, please let me know and I will add them to our list.
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