We saw a few changes...for the good... our new microphone system with both floor mike and table mike which can be hand held, provided great sound. We encourage everyone to use the mike when they are speaking so all can hear well... The decision to reduce the "business" portion of the meeting to just three times a year met with no opposition, and will allow us more
time at meetings for program, show and tell, and more time at break to socialize and get things done (library visits, signups for workshops and workdays, etc.)
It was great to see so many familiar faces and some new ones too! We welcome our new members, and hope that those who were visitors "checking us out" will decide to join us! During our break, I overheard a visitor say: "I'm overwhelmed! I'm definitely out of my league here..." That is a common response and I reminded her that we ALL start as beginners, and progress. We all have strengths which we must discover, and build on. Many of us in the Guild have been "at it" a long while so we have learned, improved our skills and grown as quilters.But we LOVE to help new quilters learn and grow too!
We all start at square one, as with any skill - playing piano, basketball or anything else. So please if you are a beginner wanting to learn, or a new member feeling "out of your league", don't worry. We will help you learn basic skills, answer your questions and help you along on your journey as a quilter. Join us and have fun! Meet new friends! Learn new skills! Enjoy our resources (like our wonderful library!) Get involved in a Community Project!
Last Saturday, Sept. 26, we held a very successful "Intro to Quilting" day for beginners (along with our "Quilty Pleasures" workday for members). We had nine enthusiastic "newbies" join us for lots of helpful info and demos. They learned some basic skills in cutting, piecing and pressing, and are now ready to tackle their first project. It was a great day, with lots of enthusiasm on both sides - the teachers and the "students". Members who attended were working on various projects, some were working on piecing for the Mystery Quilt project, others were doing their own thing - cutting, layering and pinning a quilt ready for
machine quilting, etc. so the "newbies" had a chance to see projects underway, at various stages. Overall, a great day for all! I can't wait for our next meeting on October 15th! See you there!
Prospective new members are welcome. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm, at the Johnston Ave. Seniors Centre. If you are heading upriver from the bridge, towards Nashwaaksis, Johnston Ave. is just after MacDonalds at the intersection of Main and Brookside, on your left - 777 Chinese restaurant and Na'sis Memorial School are on the corner.
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