Speaking of shows- don't you wish you could be in New York City today to view this show... for free!! The American Folk Art Museum in Manhattan has declared this year the "Year of the Quilt". (sounds good to me!) As a result, they are hanging two large exhibitis of quilts- part one hangs until April 24th, the other hangs May 10th through October 16th , 2011. But in between, they have hung a spectacular 6 day show- 651 quilts- all red and white (sounds very Canadian to me...). From March 25-30, one can view an amazing display of red and white quilts, all owned by the same person, 80 year old Joanna S. Rose who says she is NOT a collector. You can read more and see photos of the installation here. (I wonder if we could hire this crew to hang our show- they look like they know what they are doing... *wink)
As for the other two shows, IF they allow photo-taking, you may be in luck. It just so happens that I will be in NYC for a day in mid-April, and then again at end of June. I am certainly going to do my best to make my way to West 53rd St. with camera in hand, to try and see both of these exhibits. I'll certainly share photos with you, if I am successful. In the meantime, do check out the link above. WOW is all I can say- wish I could be there today....

Wow! Thanks for showing us that show. My daughter and I are planning a birthday trip to New York. Will have to see what is there in early May. Linda G