
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Andrea's shop move, a Bernina for sale and Show and Tell.....

First of all, in case you are not aware, Andrea has moved her shop from Keswick Ridge to Hanwell! Yay! Closer to us all! Her new address is 1881 Hanwell Road which is the next civic number after Jardine Auctioneers.  With this move comes a new shop name, "The Quilting Shed." No in store shopping is possible right now, but she is open for online ordering with local pickup. You can reach her at 478-2349 and visit to check out products and sales. They will soon be working on building the new shop and hopefully by the time it is ready we will be able to happily shop "in person."

Former member Eleanor Puxley has a Bernina Activa 130 for sale. Contact Gail M for info...

Here's some Show and Tell today from Gwen Buchanan. She has been keeping busy with two projects full of colour!

Gwen says  "I've been switching it up and doing some crocheting... something I have done very little of until this year... it's really fun and easier than  knitting, at least I find it so... surrounding myself with colour and things to keep my hands and mind busy... eventually with the addition of many more crocheted circles and an additional contrasting circular round on each one, this will be a super cheery "Flower Garden Blanket."
The basket is filling up.. using all kinds of different colours and sizes of yarn in any type I have around, wool, acrylic, silky stuff, fluffy stuff, mohair, cotton... anything at all.  :)  Just stuff from a grab-bag of scrappy odds and ends that have accumulated... doesn't take long..  and I love the multitude of combinations. ♥  Just using the simple steel crochet hook that's shown lying in the middle of the pile. When I have enough 2-colour circles done the third colour is added to each circle as they are attached together.

To attach them together, a third round of colour is added....

..and the circles are attached as you go along.

Little half circles are attached along the edges to make a straight edge.

Then a red border to frame it is crocheted all around the outside edge. I'm happy with how it turned out. This is the first finished blanket, and I have now begun a second one."

If anyone wants to give this a try (and you're missing out if you don't)  this is the Arne and Carlos video I learned from: click here. 

Gwen also sent along a few pictures of the planning and prepping of the tiny 3" blocks of the 9 patch quilt top she made.

Each block is made up of nine 1" (finished) squares in dark and light plains and prints.

"I am window-paneing it with white 1/2" strips with black corners... keeps the mind focused, very colourful.. and scrappy and frugal.. much pressing... cheerful!"

(Not sure, but I expect Gwen is hand quilting this!)

Beautiful Gwen! Lots of cheerful colour for spring!! Thanks for sharing your photos and process with us!

For those of you who don't know Gwen, she is a talented artist with many "fibre loves" - she spins, knits, crochets and quilts, designs and makes jewelry, draws and paints and has a wonderful blog which you should check out here:
We are fortunate that she has joined us at FQG!


  1. Thanks Linda, You do such a lovely job of putting things together for this blog. yes I have it hand-quilted now... plenty of time to fill these days. I ran out of hand-quilting thread and was so pleased to pick some up from Andrea, at her back door pick-up spot... she was a life saver.! cheers

  2. You are so welcome Gwen! Wow, quilted already!! Good for you! Glad Andrea was able to help you out with thread!!
