
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Christmas Quilting and Photography Helps

"Christmas Candy" made by Barb Frame,
quilted by Andrea Rennick, photographed by Craig Frame
The days are ticking by.. (am I the only one who has a slight panic attack when the calendar turns to December??)
Are you working on Christmas projects? gifts? perhaps a new Christmas quilt or wallhanging for yourself? One of our members has just finished a new Christmas quilt for her bed.. I hope we'll see it along with your Show and Tell items at our dinner on Dec.10.

Once a quilt is quilted and bound, there are two things you should do before you consider it totally "done."  One is add a label with pertinent information, such as name of quilt or design, who made it, where and when, and any other important info such as if it was made for a special person or occasion. Put as much info on the label as you can - future generations will thank you for the documentation.
The other thing to do is photograph the quilt. Following are two links to articles to help you with that, including a suggested list of shots to get and some great suggestions on lighting. Some of you may be familiar with Kathy Schwartz of Tamarack Shack, her blog is popular. Read her blog post on quilt photography here.  The other article comes from Emily Dennis of the Quiltylove blog, read it here.

And lastly, a Christmas riddle... Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing?

They always drop their needles...

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