
Sunday, September 16, 2018

September Meeting is coming up!

How can it be mid September already?! The summer has flown by and we're lucky to continue to enjoy beautiful summer weather and warm temps.
Our September meeting is just two days away. Are you ready? Please bring your enthusiasm as we launch into another year of fun and friendship, learning and honing our quilting skills! Our September newsletter is out and our program and workshop committees have a great lineup for us. Don't forget to bring your completed membership form and cash or cheque if you haven't already renewed, your nametag, any outstanding library books, tips to share and of course your Show and Tell items.

Congrats to Jeanne Kaye Speight and Marj Deveau (and any other members I might have missed) on their ribbons won at the Exhibition.

September is National Sewing month. What are you working on? I haven't spent much time at my machine this summer with the lovely weather calling me outdoors, but I have a stack of projects waiting for me once cooler temps set in!

There is a long list of shows and events on the sidebar at the right, don't miss out on these fabulous shows - support your fellow guilds! The first in the lineup is the fabulous yearly show by KVQG later this week.

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