
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Meeting Follow-up, Updates and Other Good Stuff!

Tomorrow is the "official" first day of spring.. let's hope we see these soon.
Wasn't our meeting this week great? So much good info given by our three presenters. A big Thank You to Gwenda M., Jean K. and  Trudy C. for a wonderful talk on quilting - long arm, machine and hand quilting. Lots of good info and tips for everyone!

Here are a few "follow up" items from Tuesday night:

It was mentioned that we might have some workshops with Elaine Quehl if there is sufficient interest. Click here for a link to her website if you'd like to have a look at her work and review her list of class offerings. Give it some thought.

Do you listen to Podcasts? I have just recently found one podcaster I thought you might like to check out as well. Brandy Lynn Maslowski does a weekly podcast called Canadian Quilt Talk and currently there are 74 episodes. Topics range from inspiration, techniques, ergonomics, and planning your studio to interviews with well known quilters such as Ricky Tims, and Canadians Kathy Bissett, Ionne McCauley, Daphne Greig and Monica Kinnear-Whalen, among others.  Episode 58 features Elaine Quehl, and Episode 40 features Leah Day, who Jean K spoke about (the binder she showed with all the free motion designs is Leah's.) So check Brandy out! Download a few of her podcasts for when you have a long drive, your daily walks or time in your studio. I bet you'll like them as much as I do! Click here.

Here is the link to Leah Day's website:   Check out all her Free Motion designs and Youtube tutorials. She is one talented young lady!

And some Updates:

March is National Quilting Month, and this Saturday, March 21, is National Quilting Day!! So be sure you plan some time in your studio space to celebrate!! If you are not familiar with The Quilt Show with Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson, this is a good weekend to check it out. To celebrate International Quilting Weekend, ALL shows are FREE to everyone this weekend! You can watch as many as you have time for. What a wonderful resource and a wealth of information. Be sure to take some time to check it out. You won't regret it.  Click here.

 We've heard some wonderful tips at our meetings lately. I am starting a list here on the blog, and there will be a link on the sidebar to quickly and easily take you to the list. I will add to it each month with the most recent tips at the top. If you have given a tip this year, please remind me of it as I cannot remember them all, and we want the list as complete as possible! You know how to reach me: leave a comment here, send me an email or give me a jingle on the telly  :)  I'll post the Tip Time List next week, but it will be an ongoing growing "work in progress"....

Lastly, I have added a "Subscribe by Email" button to our blog. You will see it on the right at the very top. If you add your email address in the box and hit "Submit", you will receive an email each time there is a new post here on the FQG Blog. That way you won't miss anything. No one will be able to see your email address (not even me!) and it will not be given out to anyone, no worries. Just another service to our members!   :)

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