
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Odds and Ends

Did you attend any quilt shows this fall? One of the recent ones was in Charlottetown PEI and Lee M. sent me a photo of the "Quiltmobile" which was parked outside the show. Can you imagine driving around in this? There'd be NO hiding the fact that you are a quilter!! lol Lee commented that a lot of work went into this "quilt" as it was a "custom fit" with "cutouts" for the brake lights in the back, velcro so that the doors can be opened/closed, etc. Truly a labour of love. Thanks Lee for the photo. (photos taken of the show are not allowed to be "published" - sorry!)

Speaking of shows, the International Quilt Festival in Houston is wrapping up today. This is the 40th Anniversary of this event- and 40 years means Ruby. To celebrate there is a special exhibit of red and white quilts and you can view some of them by clicking here... Trust me, it's well worth the visit! And how nice to know that there is a Maritime quilt included in the exhibit- a red and white Log Cabin called "Log Canada" by Amherst's Karen Neary! You can see it here. Way to go Karen!   :)

And just for fun - I'm sure you've seen some of the online quizzes which tell you which "whatever" you are, by answering a series of questions. I found one one which tells you which Quilt Block you are! Try it by clicking here.

Did anyone take photos during the Hilary Rice workshops? If so, could you send me a few to post here?
And I hope someone will take some photos at Retreat and send them on to me too.. I haven't received any the past few years...

Quilt On!

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