
Monday, December 2, 2013

November meeting and Reminders

Another awesome meeting under our belts! Lois Wilby-Hooper shared many of her wonderful quilts with us. Lois has "been at it" a long time and it was so interesting to see how her work has evolved and changed. She has moved from traditional quilts to art quilts, experimenting with many "unconventional" fabrics and materials. Thanks Lois for sharing your wonderful works of art with us!! Shown below are some of the many pieces Lois shared with us.
We also saw an amazing Show and Tell at our Nov. meeting. Those photos have now been added to our Show and Tell Gallery on the sidebar at right. Check them out there!
The "J team" is still accepting Christmas placemats for Meals on Wheels. They can be turned in at the Christmas Social on Tuesday Dec. 3. If you cannot attend, send them along with another member, or they can be dropped off to Jeanne Kaye S. or Joan C.
I hope there will be a great turnout to our Christmas Social on Tuesday Dec. 3 at the Stepping Stones Center, 15 Saunders St., Fredericton South. Start time is 6:30pm.  I cannot be there because of another commitment so I'll take this opportunity to wish you all an early Merry Christmas. I do hope you'll find a little quiet time in this hectic holiday season to enjoy some time at your sewing machine!

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