
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Only 3 more sleeps! September meeting. Sept. 17th

Are you ready for our first meeting? It's only "a few sleeps" away now! Tuesday Sept. 17th! Woohoo! I hope you are as anxious as I am to get back to FQG and see everyone, not to mention diving back into this wonderful hobby for another exciting year! There are lots of good things planned for the upcoming year - some interesting meeting programs, some great workshops and workdays which we are calling "Quilty Pleasures", new books in our library, the Fall Retreat, fewer "business" meetings, and coming up in October - a fun "social" day with our sister guild from Sussex.
Most important we are open to new members so if you have a friend or neighbour who is interested in learning about quilting, bring them along to our meeting this coming Tuesday night. Or if YOU are someone new to the area and/or  are looking for a Quilting Guild to join, we'd love to have you. Come along and check us out. The meeting begins at 7:30pm, at the Johnson Avenue Seniors Centre on the northside - see map on the sidebar.
On Saturday Sept. 28, our first Quilty Pleasures Day is geared to new quilters and new and prospective members. We're calling it Intro to Quilting and there will be lots of useful demos and info provided to help you get started. We need an idea of how many might be attending, so come to our meeting Tues. night to let us know, or leave a comment here (at end of post) with your name and email or phone number so we can get in touch. Leaving a comment is very easy- just click on the word "comments" below, type your message in the white box that opens up, remembering to add your name and contact info too, then check "anonymous" if you don't have a google account and hit the "publish" button. Simple as that ! We're hoping to hear from you!!
Returning members- remember to wear your nametag, bring your mug for a beverage at break and return any FQG library books you might have out. Of course bring your Show and Tell items to show us what you've been busy with over the summer, and remember the Program Committee is still looking for participants for the program - please bring a quilt you have made from one of our Library books. Let Donna Y, Marijke H or Susan D know if you can help them out.... See you soon!

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