Look who was in Saturday's paper... what a lovely article on Jeanne Kaye Speight, our new Community Projects Co-ordinator. She is indeed kind and generous as the article states, and her involvement in the community is to be applauded. We all know Jeanne Kaye as "the energizer bunny" who never fails to have lots of Show and Tell to share with us at the end of each meeting. She has more energy than most of us put together! She is the perfect person to head up our Community Projects team and keep us organized and on track with our charity projects. There is something for everyone who would like to participate- if you want to work on a large project, she is looking for 60" by 80"- 85" quilts for the beds at the Veterans Unit, and if you want to work on something small and quick, there are placemats to be made for Meals on Wheels... and if you want a "medium sized " project, Goldilocks, I'm sure she'll have something in mind for that too! She also has fabric at the meetings if you need to add to what you have, for whichever project. If you have more fabric than you know what to do with, Jeanne Kaye would welcome donations of some brightly colored strips 2.5" by WOF (width of fabric). If like me, you don't have a lot of full width yardage, JK is happy to receive 2.5" wide strips off the long side of your fat quarters as well. Please, good quality fabric only, that has been pre-washed. These bright strips will be available for pickup for use in future Community Projects.
Very nice article! Congratulations to Jeanne Kaye.