
Friday, August 9, 2013

Another Chance to Help...

Hello! How's your summer going? In between the "good" weather, we seem to be having lots of rainy or just dreary days so I hope you are finding some time to enjoy your sewing machines and whatever projects you have on the go. Thanks again to all those who made slab blocks for Calgary. From what I can see on Cheryl's blog, she has received 1630 blocks!! What a great response. I'm sure assembly of said blocks is keeping her very busy.
In case you missed the opportunity to participate in that project, here is another chance to be of help. I received the following email from Bev Rogan of Calgary. Read below and perhaps you can find a way to help or contribute, if you wish to!

Quilting for Calgary is a group of caring quilters from throughout North America, dedicated to bringing hope and comfort to the 2013 Flood victims of Southern Alberta.

We are hoping you can help as we embark to spread word of our efforts and set out to gather the 3,600 quilts needed for those affected in our city and those that will be placed here in temporary housing. 

We are hoping you can share our information with your friends, colleagues and fellow bloggers.

While we cannot replace the precious family heirlooms and mementos of these families, we do hope we can help to warm their hearts and homes.
Please note:  We are happy to offer free shipping within Canada and are able to offer our friends from the United States the ability to send their donations to us with no customs, duty or brokerage fees (See: “My Donation is Ready” under our “Files” tab.) as well as offering quilters a drop off and mailing address in Houston, Texas with FREE shipping from Houston to Calgary.
We thank you for your time and hope that you will join us in our efforts to warm the hearts and homes of Calgary’s flood victims. 
Please stop by and visit our group on Facebook.

Bev Rogan
Quilting for Calgary
"Warming Hearts & Homes"

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." ~ Anne Frank

I take from that, that they would love to receive finished quilts. Perhaps you have one sitting around that you made "just because" and it is not intended for anyone in particular. If you'd like to "move it on".. there's your chance!!
Stay tuned: I'll be posting another Superior Threads newsletter educational component in another day or two....
Happy Quilting...

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