
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Quilt Canada 2012 Update

Quilt Canada 2012 is only a few days away now. Yippee! I think we have a number of members who are heading to Halifax for a day or two, if not the whole week, and I have heard of many other local quilters going too.. I thought I might be able to pass on a few tips which would be useful.

If you are not familiar with the Dalhousie campus, it is a long narrow rectangle stretching westward from Robie Street- bordered by Robie on the east, Oxford St. on the west, South St. on the south and Coburg Road on the north. (Coburg turns into Spring Garden as you head (east) towards downtown.) The Student Union Building (SUB) sits roughly in the middle of campus and it will be the "hub" of QC activities (Registration desk, etc.).

As with most campuses, parking will be a challenge. There are a limited number of metered spaces on campus, with maximum of 2 or 4 hours parking allowed. Parking in the parking lots will require the purchase of a daily parking permit, available from the Security Services Office on the Parkade level of the Marion McCain Arts and Social Services Building, 6135 University Ave. If you do get a pass, I would suggest you try the parking lot at the DalPlex (off South St.) which is probably the largest on campus, or the parking lot in front of Eliza Ritchie Hall just up South St.  from the DalPlex. If you wish to try a spot off campus, I think your best bet is to try one of  the small side streets off Coburg Rd. or off South St. Actually your very best bet is not to bring a vehicle to campus, but hop on a city bus ($2.25). There are a number of busses which run right by campus and then you don't have to worry about parking at all!

My other suggestion concerns your tummy... if you will be on campus on Saturday, the only spot open to purchase something for lunch will be Tim Hortons in the SUB. So it might be wise to pack a sandwich or crackers and cheese and a few granola bars or something easy... I suspect the lineups at Tims will be lengthy... If you don't mind a bit of a walk, the closest restaurants will be down Coburg to Spring Garden- there are a number of eateries within the first block across Robie on Spring Garden.

The most recent blog post on the Quilt Canada Blog can be read here - there is much more detailed info concerning parking, eats, where to find banking machines on campus, etc. I highly recommend you reading this helpful post.

One other thing to note- the Shows do not all have the same hours, and several do not open until Thursday. Please read the following list of the ten shows carefully, noting days, hours and cost of admission.

In the SUB:
1. National Juried Show and 2. CQA Invitational Show: Open Wed. - Sat.  Hours - Wed. and Thurs. 10-5, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-5. $10.00 admission covers both shows. Location: 2nd floor of SUB.

3. Mariners' Quilt Guild Show (Dartmouth Guild). Open Thurs. - Sat.  Hours - Thurs. 10-5,
Fri. 10-7, and Sat. 10-5. Admission $5.00. Location 3rd floor SUB

4. Needlework Exhibition: Open Thurs. - Sat.  Hours - Thurs. 10-5p.m., Fri. 10-7p.m.,
and Sat. 10-5.  Admission $2.00. Location: 3rd floor SUB

In Risley Hall Residence, 1233 Lemarchant St. (directly behind SUB towards South St.):
5. FAN (Fibre Arts Network) Show (Theme: From Away) Open Thurs. - Sat  Hours- Thurs. 10-5,
Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-5. Admission $2.00

In the DalPlex, 6260 South St. (about a 3 block walk from SUB)
6. Trend Tex Challenge Show. Open Wed. - Sat.  Hours- Wed. and Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 9-8, Sat. 9-5.
    Admission is FREE.  The Merchant Mall is also in the DalPlex, also free admission (open to public)

In Howe Hall Residence, corner of Lemarchant St. and Coburg Rd. (about a 2 block walk from SUB)
 7. N.S. Miniature Quilt Challenge - (Theme: Seams Like Home)  Open Wed. - Sat. 
Hours Wed. and Thurs. 10-5, Fri. 10-7, Sat. 10-5. Admission: Free

In the Public Archives, 6016 University Ave. (about a 3 block walk from SUB)
8. Secret Codes - African Nova Scotian Quilts.   Open Tues. - Sat. Hours 10-4:30 daily
Admission: by donation

In the IWK Health Centre, (Parker Reception Room), University Ave. (about a 5 block walk from SUB)
9. Mayflower Quilters' Guild Show. Open Wed. - Fri. (Note: NOT Open Saturday) Hours: 9:30-5 each day. Admission $3.00

In the Mary Black Gallery, Marginal Rd., Next to Pier 21 and Cunard Centre (too far to walk!)
10. SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) Show - (Theme: Rooted) Open Tues. - Sat
Hours: Tues. 9-5, Wed. - Fri. 9-6. Sat. 11-6.  Admission: by donation

You can look at a map of campus with these locations noted by clicking here.

I hope you will find this info useful. If you still have questions or concerns, check the Quilt Canada Blog here or the CQA website here. I think you will find answers to any of your questions there...

Don't forget comfy walking shoes, a tote bag, your camera and your wallet!  I'm packing my bags for Quilt Canada 2012- - will I see you there?


  1. Lots of good information in this post, Linda. Thanks for taking the time to share this. Maybe we will see you there!

  2. Excellent information Linda. Making time to itemize everything takes time and it is much appreciated. Lucy
