
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fall Fibre Arts Fest and more Quilt Shows

Can you believe it's nearly the end of August? I won't say the end of summer as I hope it goes on for a good long while yet... We'll be back at Guild meetings before you know it!
I've been asked to make you aware of the upcoming Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival in Amherst in October. Put it on your calendars now!! This is almost a full week of "all things fibre".. quilting, hooking, needlework (hardanger this year), spinning, knitting, felting, rug braiding.. well you get the picture - ALL things fibre!! Kathy Tidswell is teaching two classes too!  Click here to go to the website to see the schedule. I bet there might be a class or two there that interests you. There will also be quilt displays, rug displays, a  humourous lunchtime theatre and lots of other good stuff happening! I plan to attend this year- will I see you there? 
EDIT - Sept. 1 - The NS Fibre Arts Festival now has a blog: click here. Over the coming days and weeks more info will be posted on the blog, so keep checking back. By clicking on the grey tabs at the top, you will find info on the events, workshops, instructors, etc. If you need a little fibre in your creative diet - this is the place to find it!!

It must be time for another Quilt Show Tour, or two or three... Click here, here and here to see my favourites from Maine Quilts 2011. If you did not get down to Life at the Lakes in Cambridge Narrows, you can see a few photos here.
Click here to wing your way to the UK and a 3 minute video tour of the Festival of Quilts at the NEC in Birmingham. (Thanks to Kathy F. for this link.) And here, here, and here  for another blogger's look at a Quilt Show in Burlington Ontario - the Halton QG Show.
Did you attend any interesting Quilt Shows this summer?


  1. Thanks so much for posting about the N.S. Fibre Arts Festival, Linda. We hope a lot of Fredericton quilters join us again this year!

  2. You are so very welcome. I hope you get lots of NB visitors too, Karen. Let's hope the weather does not prevent me from attending this year!
