
Monday, July 5, 2010

Introducing Barb Perry, new Guild Coordinator

The Fredericton Quilters' Guild would like to introduce you to Barb Perry, the new 2010-2011 Guild Coordinator. Here you can see Barb posing with her beautiful Ragdoll cat Molly.

Barb has been an active member of the guild for a number of years and is excited about the upcoming year. She is pleased to welcome new committee members to the executive and also those who are staying on for another year of duty.

Barb invites all your comments, suggestions and of course wants you to have a great year with the guild.

Your 2010-2011 Guild committee is as follows:

Coordinator ...............Barb Perry

Asst. Coordinator ......vacant

Past Coordinator ........Linda Glassford

Secretary ...................Doris MacSween

Treasurer ...................Lois Mehan

Workshops .................Valerie Moreland

...................................Jean Ketch

...................................Anne Price

Programs ...................Marg Wood

...................................Tracey Houlding

...................................Jane Seabrook

Social Committee........Carol Good

...................................Elma Walton

Registrar ....................Jeanne Kaye Speight

Community Projects....Dawn Sharpe

Library .......................Gail Butts

....................................Karen Needham

....................................Paula MacDonald

Archives .....................Linda Hubbard

Newsletter .................Joyce Humble

Telephone...................Jane Gunn

Retreat .......................Laverne Deakin

....................................Linda Hubbard

....................................Sue Robertson

....................................Jean Street

....................................Cathy White


  1. is the guild full of members, or how do I register to be a member and join the guild,
    Bonnie Curtis

  2. Hello Bonnie,
    Yes we do have openings and would love to have you join us. Send me an email at and I'll tell you how to get in touch with our Registrar. I look forward to hearing from you

  3. This is to advise you that the store part of the PinWheel Quilting shop is closing, but the shop will remains opens.
    , I will be at the Fredericton North Farmers market this Jan 11th and 12th of January 2014, selling inventory of my quilt shop, super super prices. Fabric, notions, buttons, rulers, kits, patterns , finish samplers, and lots more.. Tell your friends and guild members, See you there.
