Are you ready for another armchair Quilt Show tour? I explained to you earlier that there were a number of Shows at Quilt Canada in Calgary, but I did not show you photographs from them all. Many had numerous signs posted throughout their displays about copyright and asking viewers to respect it, using any photos only for their personal use. I'm not sure if everyone would agree that a blog is "personal use" but I chose to not post photos of other artists' work when I could not give proper credit with names, titles, etc.
But today I can take you via a link to one of the Shows-
Geophysical by FAN -
Network which is a group of fibre artists from Western Canada. "
Geophysical" pays tribute to Geology, and the scenic and economic riches it provides to western Canada. FAN members were challenged to interpret, in cloth and thread, "the earth and the forces that shape it". Click
here to see all 46 pieces which made up this S
how. If you click on each individual quilt, you will be able to read the artists' explanation. Other FAN exhibitions can be viewed by clicking on "Exhibitions" on the left sidebar. Be warned, you could spend a lot of time here a-lookin'... but what a great way to travel to a number of shows- all in the comfort of your own chair!! No airfare, no luggage, no hassle!!
The four photos
I have included with this post were some of my favourites (in no particular order) and are just a sample to whet your appetite- do look at the entire show- it's well worth the visit. The uppermost photo (top left) is
Sea Floor Spreading Centre by Gay Walker; the next photo (on the right) is
The Pressures of Time by Vivian Kapusta, our CQA Secretary; the third photo (above left) is
Eruption by Kathryn Botsford and the bottom photo (on right) is
Layers of Creation by Judith Panson. (You can click on each of my 4 photos here and get a larger view).
Oh my goodness Linda. Thanks for sending me to ten years worth of exhibits from the Western Fibre Artists. What a nice way to drink coffee in the morning. Will have to go back with another cup another morning to really have a good look. Haven't checked in recently but will certainly do so over the summer if you are going to treat us to these wonderful shows. Linda G