
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Reminder - Pot Luck and AGM - Tues May 18

The May meeting is our Annual General Meeting (and Election of Officers) and also a Pot Luck dinner - Tuesday May 18th.

The Pot Luck will be held at the Johnson Avenue Senior Center starting at 6:30 PM SHARP. Please bring foods ready to serve-Hot foods Hot and Cold foods Cold! (to save the dishwashing committee some work, please bring your own plate, utencils and cutlery. You can bring them home with your casserole dishes and wash them at home)

Spring Themed Blocks - Remember, all members interested in participating in the "Spring-themed" block draw, bring them along. Make an 8 ½ “(finished 8”) spring themed block on a cream background. Every block will give you a ballot for the draw(s) depending on the number of entries. Are you looking for a little inspiration. Go here to Quilters Cache and scroll through the 8" block section. Be sure to check the measurements to ensure it is an 8.5" block that finishes to 8".

Membership Renewal: You will be able to renew your membership at the potluck. Be sure to complete the form that was delivered in your April Newsletter. Dues are $30.00 for regular members; $15.00 for associate members.

Embroidery Floss - Pippa Moore is collecting un-wanted embroidery flosses again this year for her teaching trip to Africa next winter. If you have any flosses that you would like to donate to Pippa, please pass them on to Gail Mitchell. She will be sending them to Pippa in October.

Show and Tell - Bring show and tell, be it new or old. Let's get new inspiration, even from older projects. The more the merrier.

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