
Friday, May 28, 2010

Quilt Canada 2010 in Calgary

I was fortunate to be able to attend Quilt Canada 2010 in Calgary Alberta last month. It was an inspiring week and a wonderful experience- all except for the snowstorm which I could have done without. (I was SO glad that, in preparation for my trip, I had had a pedicure and packed my sandals! lol) Although I didn't register as a Full Conference delegate, I did spend two full days taking in the Shows (13 in total!) and yes I did manage to wander through the large Merchants Mall more than once.

I had a lovely chat with Pippa Moore and she asked me to say Hello to all her FQG friends. My buddy Sue had a chat with Gail Hunt and I'm sure she too would want to be remembered to all her former students at FQG.

If you would like to read more about Quilt Canada 2010 and see a sampling of the many wonderful quilts from several of the Shows, you can skip over to my personal Blog and see them here, here, here, here and here. Photography was not allowed in the National Juried Show but you can view the NJS Winners on the CQA website by clicking here. (You can click on each image there for a larger view.)

Next year's conference will be in London Ontario and the following year, Quilt Canada 2012 is coming east! It will be held at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Woohooooo!! This is an opportunity every Maritime quilter should take advantage of! It is not to be missed! Start planning now to attend - the dates are May 28-June 2, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this Linda. What a great recap. I'm glad to have the dates for Quilt Canada 2012 in Halifax. It's so great that we'll be able to drive there.
