
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome to the Fredericton Quilters Guild's new Blog

Welcome. We are so pleased you have found the Fredericton Quilters' Guild's new blog. This blog is being initiated by your new FQG Executive as another way to add value to your membership. Since it's a new venture, please be patient with us. It is a work in progress and we hope our members will contribute content and even more, we hope you will visit often. The blog will be administered by Gail Mitchell and Linda Hubbard, both long time members of FQG. In order to give our members lots to look at, we intend to update the blog every week. We're not going to promise what day the update will happen, so you'll just have to check back often.

What will you see on this blog? We are hoping our members will allow some of their quilts from show and tell to be posted on the blog. The more information you can share about your quilt, the better it will be for other viewers of the blog. Please, when you visit our blog, leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. I hope this will be a great way for our guild to exchange information. Looks good!
