
Monday, November 7, 2022

For Sale: Jim Hinks quilting frame

 For Sale: King size 3 roller quilting frame - 104". Made by well known Jim Hinks, Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS circa 2000. 104" width, with 3 rollers and double ratchet tensioning. Anchor pins on side for lateral tension. Frame can be adjusted from flat to nearly vertical for storage. 

Contact Marijke Hurkens,  454-7459. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Canada Council for the Arts grant recipient... Lee McLean

Lee McLean, a twenty-plus year member of our Fredericton Quilters' Guild has been selected to receive Canada Council for the Arts funding. Her grant application to the Research and Creation component  of the Explore and Create Program was decided by a peer assessment committee composed of a diverse range of artists and arts professionals.

Lee's project is to explore dye and thread painting on fabric and to create textile art pieces about the mother/child relationship. She says, 'I will create a series of works inspired by what Jann Arden wrote about her mother: "Like the words written on..torn-up bits of rags she tied in the trees for the birds...her words are tied around my bones." Does a mother know which retort leaves a lasting mark? My mother's words have been "tied around my bones" for a lifetime, a voice in my head still, even after she is gone. This project will respond to this.'

To increase the personal meaning, Lee will hand dye and make marks on fabric for this project, techniques new to her artistic practice. To accomplish this, she has already completed an independent study focused on dyeing techniques and painting and printing with thickened fibre reactive dyes. Experimenting with the overlap and change of colour as dyes flow on the wet surface, she seeks to create fabric pieces that inspire work. We have seen some of these in our Zoom show and tell sessions.

Lee recently graduated from the Advanced Studio Practice Program at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design and is a juried member of Craft NB. Her work has also been supported by the New Brunswick Arts Board. She pursues her art practice as an active member of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA), an international organization devoted to promotion of the art quilt. She has work currently travelling in the Grand National Fibre Art Exhibit and in SAQA Atlantic regional exhibit that will be shown at Quilt Canada 2023 in Halifax.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Show and Tell

 Our October meeting is less than a week away...  we hope to see you there. Please return any guild library books that you may still have at home. We have some new members, don't forget to make them feel welcome!

Show and Tell is a favourite part of our meetings.. please bring your projects to share with us. Sometimes quilts are made and given as gifts before they can make it to a Show and Tell which means we don't get to enjoy them! Here are two that Deanna M. made and recently gifted to granddaughters who had graduated. What lucky gals they are!! These are beautiful Deanna, thanks for sharing the photos with us!

Hope to see you Tuesday October 18th. 

Monday, August 29, 2022


Just a reminder... have you renewed your membership for the coming year?  The membership renewal form was sent  to you by email on May 26... check back in your inbox. If none of your info has changed, you can simply forward the $30.00 fee, by cheque to our registrar Joyce Humble, or by etransfer to our guild email address.  Make cheques payable to Fredericton Quilters' Guild. 

Deadline for the September newsletter is Sept. 10. Send any submissions to our new Editor, Stefanie H. 

Did you know QUILT CANADA is coming back to the east coast? The dates have just been announced.. mark your calendar now for Quilt Canada in HALIFAX, June 7-10, 2023. 

Saturday, June 11, 2022


Just a couple of reminders.. first, there will be a brief Zoom meeting this coming Tuesday evening, June 14,  at 7p.m. to accept our new slate of officers. We're still looking for a Secretary... We need a quorum, so please attend!! 

Secondly there is a (growing!) list of quilt shows and events on our sidebar. If you hear of or have info on a show in the area that is not listed, please contact me or leave a comment with the info so I can add it to the list! If you're traveling this summer, check here to see if there is a show happening on your route!

Friday, April 8, 2022

For Sale

One of our members is down-sizing and has some items from her studio for sale:

1. Design wall, 50" wide, 84" tall, wood frame with flannel surface. 

2. Wooden step stool with music stand-like attachment to hold book, pattern or blocks when working at design wall. 

3. Table with folding legs. 42" wide by 72" long by 30" high. Laminate surface. 

4. Two cabinets, white laminate.  Each one is 23.5" wide by 48" tall by 17" deep. Two open shelves with four drawers below. 

Design Wall

Two cabinets 

Long Fabulous table

Any reasonable offer entertained. Please contact Donna Young.

Also, remember the wonderful program by Margo Duff of Saint John we enjoyed recently? For those of you on Facebook, I hope you are casting your vote for her daily on the DIY Hero page.. she is currently in third place!!

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Happy Galentines Day!!

Happy Galentines Day to you all! Never heard of it? It's today, the day before Valentines Day, a day for women to celebrate their female friendships. It's Valentines Day with your gal pals. Wishing you all a special day!! Bouquets to you all! It seems we're having lots of "days" recently.. Lots of Snow Days, or as we call them SEW days... 

The 2022 Winter Olympics.. more time to sew while watching/listening to the exciting events! Go CANADA! Speaking of the Olympics, have you noticed the bouquets presented to the medal winners? They are crocheted - each precious bloom and leaf by the hand of a volunteer. Each bouquet has taken a minimum of 32 hours, with a total of 1,251 bouquets needed to honour all the medal winners at the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics. This handmade arrangement of botanicals is known as "The Shanghai Bouquet" with cultural significance that dates back to the mid-19th century and includes six varieties - Lily of the Valley, Rugosa Rose, Hydrangea, Laurel, Sweet Osmanthus and an Olive branch, representing perseverance, happiness, unity, victory, bounty and peace. More than just a token handout.. what a beautiful keepsake! 

 Today is also Superbowl Sunday... another SEW day! What project(s) are you working on? Remember our February meeting is only two days away. Have you sent in your photos for Show and Tell? See you then!