
Friday, March 18, 2016

International Quilting Weekend

As you probably know, March is International Quilt Month. Tomorrow, Saturday the 19th, is International Quilt Day and this weekend is International Quilting Weekend. Do you have some quilty fun lined up? Of course there is our guild Community Projects workday tomorrow, that's a guaranteed good time! If you are in search of some inspiration, or information, The Quilt Show has 17 series of FREE shows for you this weekend, that's over 220 shows! Yep, that's right. March 18, 19 and 20, ALL their shows are free for anyone to watch, you do not have to be a member!  And there are lots of great prizes to be won too!
 Click here for all the details.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

March - National Quilting Month

March is National Quilting Month. We hope you are working on a special project to celebrate! Perhaps it's our guild challenge, or maybe a special quilt for a grandchild or a wedding gift. Whatever, hope you're having fun! Plan to attend our workday for Community Projects on March 19 which just happens to be National Quilting Day!  There will be lots going on, new skills to learn, fun to be had and a choice of things to work on. What more could one want?
It was unfortunate that our last meeting was cancelled due to poor weather, but we were lucky to be able to see Jean's Trunk Show on March 1st. Following are a few photos taken that day; those of you who couldn't be there can see a little of what you missed. Jean has produced an amazing collection of bed and lap quilts, wallhangings and various other quilted items using a wide variety of techniques learned at guild workshops and on her own. A talented member indeed!

Wow! What a show! Thanks so much Jean, we know a lot of time and effort went into your presentation. Our March meeting is coming right up on the 15th! See you there! Don't forget our little fundraiser for a quilting sister in need.