
Monday, April 14, 2014

April Meeting Reminders

Our thanks to Ann V. who gave us a wonderful trunk show last month.
The weeks fly by quickly! It's time for our April meeting already! Our program will be a display of SAQA quilts from the Atlantic region. SAQA stands for Studio Art Quilts Associates.  You will no doubt recognize many of the names on these wonderful pieces. If you are not familiar with SAQA why not visit their website by clicking here or visit the blog of the SAQA Atlantic Chapter here. This will give you a taste of what's in store for us tomorrow night.

Remember your Show and Tell items and don't forget to measure their perimeters so we can add your inches to the growing total - Trudy C. will be happy to take your measurements! haha

Registrar Linda G will be pleased to receive your completed membership renewal form (in a sealed envelope will speed things up at her desk) and don't forget your registration forms and fees for the upcoming Hilary Rice workshops. Any spaces remaining after tomorrow night's meeting will be opened up to other Guilds, so be first in line with your completed registration form in hand....

It seems there aren't many quilt shows happening in our area this spring. I have noted the few I've heard about on our sidebar. Please let me know if you hear of others so I can add them. If you feel like a quick "armchair tour" to the recent  Rouge Valley Guild Show in the Scarborough/Pickering/Ajax area of Ontario, compliments of my blogger friend Dolores, aka "True Blue Canadian", just click here, here and here.