
Friday, March 14, 2014

Celebrate International Quilting Day!

Tomorrow, Saturday March 15th is International Quilting Day. I hope you are planning some "quilty activity" for tomorrow to celebrate! Maybe you are piecing some blocks or doing some quilting, working on a charity quilt, or getting things ready to bring to our Community Projects workday next Saturday, March 22. Maybe you're going to visit one of our local Quilt Shops - that's a good idea too ! (Diane at Country Crafts and Curtains is having a little sale to celebrate the day!! Why not drop by?) Whatever your choice, enjoy International Quilting Day!

If you'd like to relax and take another "Armchair Tour", click here and here to visit the Palm Springs Quilt Show 2014, courtesy of Paulette who blogs at Sweet P Quilting and Creations.

Also you can enjoy free viewing of past seasons of The Quilt Show with Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson this weekend. Yep, you read that right. There are169 episodes just waiting for you to view them for free! Just click here and you'll be taken right to The Quilt Show. If you aren't already a member, you can register for free just for this weekend and watch their wonderful shows to your hearts delight!! It ends Sunday night (the 16th) at midnight Pacific time (so that's actually 4a.m. Monday morning for us.) So get busy and start watchin'!!

And while I'm at it, Happy St. Patrick's Day! See you Tuesday night at our March meeting!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Armchair Tours

How's your armchair these days? Is it soft and comfy and just waiting for you to "sit a spell"? Why not make yourself a cup of tea, or whatever your pleasure and settle down for a little armchair tour? It's been a while since we've gone on one. Wendy O. from Northstar Guild in Bathurst is wintering in Arizona. She blogs at It Is What It Is so why not join me there to view a number of quilts from AQS Quilt Week in Phoenix AZ? Click here and here to see some of her favourite quilts from this Show.

If you haven't checked out my personal blog Stitch Lines lately, you can read a few posts and see photos from my trip to the World Quilt Show in West Palm Beach, FL in January. It was probably the largest show I've ever been to (19 concurrent shows under one roof!) By no means could I post all the photos I took, but there is a good sampling of some of what I felt were the most interesting quilts. You can see them here, here, here, here,  here and here. Enjoy browsing!

Has anyone heard of any Guild Quilt Shows in our province this spring? If so, please let me know so I can list them on the sidebar. I have not heard of any yet...?