
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

NJS Entrants

There were nine quilts from eight New Brunswick quilters in this year's National Juried Show at Quilt Canada. I promised photos of our three members with their entries. Here they are, in alphabetical order.

First is Trudy Corey. Her piece, "Bill's Peony" has special significance to Trudy. You will understand why when you read her Artist Statement:  "My love of family, flowers and fabric inspired me to create this piece.  It was made in memory of my step-father, Bill Pineo.  The fall before Bill passed away, he asked me to transplant his young Tree Peony Shrub into my garden.  In the spring the Tree Peony had a splendid single blossom.  This is the blossom.  This piece is an original design, hand pieced and hand quilted." This was Trudy's first time entering the NJS and she thought it was a great experience. I'm sure you'll agree, Trudy's peony is beautiful! Wouldn't Bill and Trudy's Mom Marg be proud?  Congratulations Trudy!

Next is Kathy Tidswell. Kathy is no stranger to the NJS or to Quilt Canada. This is the fifth time she has had entries accepted in the NJS and she has been on the teaching faculty at Quilt Canada several times as well. She won the Wearable Art category in 1999 and received an Honourable Mention in 2005 in the same category. Here is her Artist Statement for her entry Night Watch: "Wanting a mystical feel, I used silk as my canvas and painted an eerie moonlit scene from which my thread appliqué Great Horned and Saw Whet owls could oversee their kingdoms. I carefully balanced the amount of quilting so that the flowing drape of the cape would mimic the graceful flight of the owls." Congratulations Kathy!
You can see more of Kathy's work here:

Monica Washburn is also a first-time NJS entrant. She decided to enter just to "learn the process" and was thrilled when her piece, Storm at Sea, was accepted. I'm sure you'll agree it was a worthy entry. Her Artist Statement read: " The year 2011 was a difficult year. My life, as I knew it, changed dramatically. There were challenges and decisions to make. Even though I received support from family and friends, I found myself at times, feeling helpless. When I saw the pattern for "Storm at Sea", I knew making this quilt would be therapeutic. Things are now on an even keel  and my world, although changed, is on calmer water. I am blessed." Congratulations Monica!

Way to go, gals!! We're proud of you!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Quilt Canada Report

Quilt Canada 2012 in Halifax is now just a memory... It was wonderful to see so many FQG members there - I think there were more than 25 of us - how great is that?!  I did not attend any classes or the evening events, but I have heard some great reports... I did get to all 10 Shows and they were awesome!! I have posted some photos on my own Blog which you can see here, here, here , here, here and here.
Photography was not allowed in the NJS, but the winning quilts have now been posted on the CQA website - you can see them by clicking here. Also all Trend Tex Challenge pieces are also posted on the CQA website- click here. (Unfortunately the color is not great on those photos but at least you can see all 78 pieces)
As you know, three of our own members had pieces accepted into the NJS this year- again, our Congratulations to Trudy Corey, Kathy Tidswell and Monica Washburn. I will be posting photos of "our girls" with their pieces soon. Five other NB quilters were represented in the NJS and three of them won ribbons!!  Juanita Allain of Moncton (Greater Moncton QG) won 2nd Place - Excellence for Originally Interpreted Traditional Wall Quilt with her 25th Anniversary Stars. Judith LeClue of Darlings Island (KVQG) won Excellence in Workmanship: Domestic Machine Quilting with her wholecloth quilt Saint George and the Dragon. Sandra Betts of Saint John (Marco Polo QG) won Excellence in Innovation with her piece Just for the Peck of It. Juliet Nowlan of KVQG also had two pieces in the NJS and Riel Nason, also of KVQG had one piece in. Congrats to all! What a great showing for NB quilters!!