
Friday, October 29, 2010

NQA Show, Ohio

It seems that all the local or "close to local" Quilt Shows are now over for this year. Nothing upcoming on the Maritime horizon until Spring 2011. Plans are slowly underway for our own show which will be held at the end of April, Friday and Saturday the 29th and 30th. Start thinking now about what you will enter... We will have some details for you at our next Guild meeting on Nov. 16th.
In case you are looking for some inspiration, check out this recent NQA show held in Columbus Ohio. Lots of eye candy and incredible work to admire here!! You can look at individual images or click in the upper lefthand corner to view a Slideshow. Enjoy! Thanks to Sandi M for passing on this link...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Notices and Updates

1. Just a reminder that Diane Bunker of Country Crafts and Curtains is selling off a large selection of fabric sample books this Saturday, Oct. 23 beginning at 9 a.m. They are not at the shop but at her home at 427 Canada St. in Marysville. You pass the Irving at Crockett St. intersection, continue on till you go through the flashing light, then it is about the 6th(?) driveway on your left. It is a long driveway- you cannot see her home from the street. The light colored 1 1/2 storey house just before her driveway is #425 and there is a fire hydrant on the other side of her driveway. The books are selling for $2.00 each.

2. In case you were planning to put items into the Quilt and Rug Sale in conjunction with the Christmas Craft Village at Exhibition Park, Halifax, Nov. 12-14th, the entry deadline has been extended till Oct. 30th. More details are available at

Friday, October 15, 2010

October Reminders

The days are flying by as swiftly as leaves are flying by my window in today's wind and rain. Tomorrow is our first Guild workday. Hope you'll be there- come and work on your own project or join in the fun with Carole and Jean making funky pillowcases. There'll be other things going on too- something for everyone. If you are having a problem with a project, bring it along and Sandi will offer help or advice.

Remember this coming Tuesday, Oct. 19th is meeting night. We have an excellent program planned- we guarantee everyone will learn something new as we go through 5 learning stations. The last time we tried this it was a big hit. We think this one will be too! Don't forget to bring something for Show and Tell- a recent project or anything Fall or Hallowe'en themed. Guests and new members are welcome.

And if you'd like to take one more "virtual tour" of a Quilt Show, click here to fly over the Bay of Fundy to Nova Scotia and beautiful Mahone Bay. The Guild there held a Show recently and this is a slideshow from it. Once the Kodak Gallery opens, click on the photo at right to advance them.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Quilted Floors

Have a quick look here at some photos of floors that I took at the Vatican.  These floors are from the Raphael Signature Room of the Vatican Museum.  I'm so glad they allowed photography in this room.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all the quilters out there! We hope you share a wonderful weekend with loved ones. Maybe you'll even find a few quiet moments to spend at your sewing machine, or doing handwork- whatever makes you happy.... If you have a few hours to spare and feel like going for a drive to admire nature's autumn glory, you might want to take a drive down river towards Gagetown- see the recently added info in the sidebar under "Coming Events" in our area. The Upper Gagetown W.I. are putting on their annual Quilt Show and Craft Sale.

We have so much to be thankful for- great friends in our Guild, the varied talents and skills which so many are willing to share, our Executive who do such an awesome job, the beautiful fabrics and threads with which we create... I could go on and on.. We are so blessed.

If you would like to sit back and enjoy yet another Quilt Show in the comfort of your own armchair, both Gail M. and I visited the Sussex Guild's Show last weekend. You can go here, here and here to view some of their show. Enjoy!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, and don't eat too much turkey!!